
3 Ways The Right Air Quality Monitor Can Improve Your Life

Indoor air pollution isn't something most of us think About and for good reason : Unless the air you are breathing "smells odd" or causes noticeable and immediate health problems, we assume it's safe.

But what if you were exposed to unsafe levels of indoor air pollution every single day for 8 or more hours a day ?

Do you feel safe?

The average home contains more than 60,000 chemicals and they all can give of noxious, potentially dangerous fumes that pollute your indoor air supply.

Over time,​ repeated exposure to air pollution in your home causes both long and short-term health problems. Unfortunately, most inside air pollution is completely undetectable to the human nose so we remain completely unaware of it's health impacts -- until it's too late.

But what if there were an air quality monitor that could not be only detect all the hidden air pollutants in your home-- it could also ​eliminate them by activating your existing air filtration, air purification's or ventilation system?

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Indoor Air Pollution levels should never reach harmful levels in your home.

And if your air quality monitor could both detect and eliminate (by activating existing air filtration, purification, or ventilation systems) indoor air pollutants day in and day out, you would see several amazing health benefits.

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Monitors Indoor & Outdoor Air Quality

Indoors, the Foobot Air Monitor System allows to track and analyze air pollution in real time.

And unlike competing products, Foobot also tracks past pollution events so you can isolate their causes and adjust activity accordingly.

The revolutionary and constantly evolving Foobot app also monitors outdoor air pollution down to the street level and allows you to see how indoor and outdoor air interact.

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Activates Air Filtration, Air Purification or Existing Ventilation System

Foobot connects with existing ventilation, air filtration and air purifying systems via either IFTTT or other integration tools.But to put it quite simply: If Foobot detects a rise in indoor air pollution, it activates your existing system(s) to clean the air and keep you and your family safe at all times. Simple as that!

Act now. Protect the air you breathe.

Foobot connects with existing ventilation, air filtration and air purifying systems via either IFTTT or other integration tools.But to put it quite simply: If Foobot detects a rise in indoor air pollution, it activates your existing system(s) to clean the air and keep you and your family safe at all times. Simple as that!

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Provides Peace of Mind and Continuous Clean Air

By boosting air flow whenever air pollutants rise (say after using toxic cleansers) automatically, you and your family can live and rest secure knowing every breath is clean and safe.
  • Monitor Present Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Levels
  • Track Past Pollution Events
  • Automatically Activates Air Ventilation and Air Purification Systems When Air Pollution Levels Rise
  • Convenient App Lets You Monitor and Control Everything from Anywhere
  • Made for iOS (8 or later) and Android (4 or later) - Compatible with WiFi 2.4GHz
  • Multi-Room Monitoring Up to 1,000 sq. feet
  • No Monthly Service Fees
  • Syncs with Most Home Automation Systems Including Google Nest, IFTTT, Ecobee and Amazon Echo

If Foobot Helps You Avoid Just One Unnecessary Sick Day, It More Than Pays For Itself!

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