Join our Foobot Insider Program

At Foobot, we are continually developing new products and improving our existing hardware and software based upon valued feedback from users just like you. In fact, your feedback helps us prioritize which new products and upgrades to implement to best suit your needs and interests. So register below and say your word! 

Foobot-Dashboard device and app

As a Foobot Insider, you get:

Insider Sneak Peek At New Features & Upgrades

Early Access to Product Upgrades & New Features

Behind the Scenes Look At Our Development Process to See How We Select, Prioritize and Develop New Features and Improvements

Ability to Engage with Our Team and Tell Us What You Like, Don’t Like, and Wish We Had Created to Help Us Make Foobot Even Better

At Foobot, we know there is always room for improvement, so join our Insider Program, and tell us exactly how to make our products even better.

The Foobot Insider Program is not just collecting feedback: Your suggestions literally drive our innovation. So instead of developing and implementing our own ideas that users may not understand or want, we use beta testing to source ideas, prioritize the best ones (yours), and then implement. You can then see the results of your feedback directly in our apps because YOU truly fuel innovation at Foobot so join the Insider Program today and let’s get started!

Become a Foobot insider

Share your ideas, help drive innovation, and get access to new features before everyone.

Get your voice heard

Foobot® – EnergyWise S.A.S. – ©2017
